The 8 HR Analytics Every Manager Should Know About
Bernard Marr’s article enumerates eight key types of HR analytics. Knowing and understanding these will help an HR Manager identify and solve people analytics problems when they arise.
These eight HR analytics are:
- Capability analytics
- Competency acquisition analytics
- Capacity analytics
- Employee churn analytics
- Corporate culture analytics
- Recruitment channel analytics
- Leadership analytics
- Employee performance analytics
“It goes without saying that people are vital to the success of any company. There’s no doubt that any business which can attract the right competencies, manage talent effectively, utilize capacity efficiently, and retain employees is setting itself up for long-term success.
HR departments are generating more data than ever before but at the same time they often struggle to turn their data into valuable insights. Based on the work I do with companies all over the globe I have identified some of the most important analytics managers can use to better understated the people-related side of their business. This post builds on my article on the key business analytics tools, which might make good additional background reading. Here is my list of HR analytics every manager should know about: ”
Continue reading Bernard Marr’s article.